
Command conquer generals zero hour dragon general
Command conquer generals zero hour dragon general

So the Commander decided to blast their way through the American base before dealing with the GLA stronghold. Previous carpet-bombing efforts to delay the strike proved ineffective as the GLA kept rebuilding the Cold fusion reactors. The Chinese base was already struck by the Particle Cannon by the time the small GLA base was captured. While the Chinese used captured GLA weaponry to defend the base, Black Lotus stealthily made her way to the US base while the Chinese Commander built up an assault force. Black Lotus however captured the base, and the two artillery platforms defending it. It turned out that the smaller base was to act as a decoy and were booby-trapped. The Chinese constructed their Nuclear Missile Silo, which would not be enough to eliminate two superweapons at the same time, and sent Black Lotus to capture the smaller GLA base.

command conquer generals zero hour dragon general

They also located a smaller GLA base some way south of the Chinese base. The Chinese commander knew that China's arsenal alone could not match both the GLA and the US arsenals, so he sought to level the playing field by capturing its' enemies weaponry.īy the time the Chinese commander made this decision, Chinese intelligence detected countdowns from the GLA Scud Storm and later the Particle Cannon. Both sides became engaged in a war of attrition as GLA-commandeered aircraft made systematic surgical strikes against the Chinese base.


The GLA did come in waves, bringing both the full might of the GLA and American arsenals against the Chinese. With many abandoned US vehicles littered around the area, these vehicles were soon captured by the Chinese forces to bolster their own strength.

command conquer generals zero hour dragon general

Now having access to the full military arsenal, the commander immediately prepared his defenses for the anticipated GLA attack. The Chinese arrived with a large force and had already established a sizable base of operations and resources for the Chinese commander to use. The US base was captured completely intact, and the few remaining American pilots left on the base became POWs. Most of the forces and personnel were evacuated by Chinook but as the GLA entered the base's perimeter, a RPG Trooper shot down one of the last Chinooks. The US Army hastily issued the order to evacuate and abandoned their vehicles and tanks to get away.

command conquer generals zero hour dragon general

However it seemed the Americans underestimated the strength of the GLA as intelligence spotted a large GLA force bearing down on the base. The Americans attempted to defeat the last terrorist base and had already established a fully sizable base of operations. Soon, only one last major GLA stronghold was still standing against the Chinese offensive near Hamburg in Germany. With world opinion turning favourably towards China, the Chinese military soon destroyed all GLA forces that were retreating from Europe.

Command conquer generals zero hour dragon general